S. Yoast

Hi Friends and Family!
Please help support me in our only annual club fundraiser!   Every $10 donation we get is assigned to a numbered golf ball, and a helicopter will drop all of the numbered balls at a target hole. The ball that falls into the hole first (or is closest to the hole) will win a cash prize!

At South Slammers, we strive to be a great source of pride for the community through the game of soccer.  We would like you to partner with us in our vision to make South Slammers Soccer the best program in the county. This golf ball drop fundraiser is one of the largest and most important fundraisers for our program, and the proceeds we raise will help us continue to provide a safe, positive, and challenging environment for our young athletes. To aid in our mission of building great men and women, as well as soccer players, these funds will help with our equipment, leadership curriculum, travel, and team meals.

READY TO HELP? All you have to do is click the DONATION button on my page or from the menu.  From there, you'll be able to choose your donation amount, pay by credit card, and will receive your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE receipt and a thank you letter via email!  The fundraising thermometer here on my page will immediately reflect your donation, and I'll also get an email letting me know that you supported me! 

This event is scheduled to end soon so please help today!

Thank you for supporting me and my club South Slammers Soccer!



